Glutinous sorghum ripens in Xiangxi

Aug Tue 2024
Currently, 10,000 mu (about 666.67 hectares) of glutinous sorghum in Majing’ao Town and Aizhai Town of Jishou City, Lyudongshan Town of Baojing County, Shibadong Village of Huayuan County, and Mawangxi Village of Luxi County has turned red.

The 2024 Farmers’ Harvest Festival was held in Zhuoluo Village, Majin’ao Town, Jishou City on August 17.

Jiugui Liquor is the largest liquor enterprise in Xiangxi Prefecture. Xiangxi Prefecture has been determined as the core area of Hunan liquor, bringing new opportunities for the high-quality development of Xiangxi’s liquor industry.

Xiangxi Prefecture is not suitable for growing sorghum. The main raw materials used by top liquor companies are mostly purchased from other regions.

In order to build a local high-quality sorghum production base, over 300 mu (20 hectares) of high-altitude sorghum was planted in Paipeng Village of Lyudongshan Town in 2023. After tested by Jiugui Liquor, the effective ingredient content ratio is very ideal, indicating that planting sorghum in Xiangxi Prefecture is feasible.

Paipeng Village yielded 118 tons of sorghum in 2023, with a collective income of 1.06 million yuan and a maximum dividend of 135,000 yuan for large growers. Planting sorghum increased people’s income and made the most of abandoned land.

This year, the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau of Xiangxi Prefecture, and Jiugui Liquor Co., Ltd. have expanded the planting areas and jointly built high-quality glutinous sorghum experimental bases in Zhuzhai Village, Zhuoluo Village, and other areas.
They have introduced more than 10 high-quality sorghum varieties and conducted variety comparison tests, density tests, and fertilizer tests in accordance with the requirements of “organic, green, and pollution-free agricultural products”. They have also promoted comprehensive technologies for reducing pesticide and fertilizer use, ensuring the green and environment-friendly production of raw materials for the liquor industry.

Located in Wuling Mountain area, Xiangxi Prefecture, with a high altitude and a large temperature difference, has good conditions for microbial fermentation, selenium-enriched soil and linolenic acid-enriched plant communities, which is conducive to the nutrient absorption of sorghum. The sorghum planted here is good raw grain for brewing fragrant liquor.

Xiangxi Prefecture makes efforts to establish the whole industrial chain of the liquor industry, build a base for the raw materials of ecological liquor, and promote the contract farming to ensure the minimum purchase price, which makes sorghum growers confident and ensures the quality of raw grain. It will build a 60,000-mu (4,000 hectares) high-quality glutinous sorghum base in 2027, providing good raw materials for the high-quality development of the liquor industry.

Chinese source: hunantoday
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